Grand Dragon of KKK Kicked Off Philadelphia’s Neighborhood Watch Committee Says He Will Sue

Tacony is one of Philadelphia’s oldest neighborhoods sitting upon the Delaware River ten miles from downtown. Up until his troubles began a few weeks back, William Walters served as a Republican committeeman for the 65th Ward of Tacony. That’s because he cares about his community. In fact William Walters cares so much about his community he also served on Tacony’s Neighborhood Watch committee.

But, reports, this year members of the Tacony Neighborhood Watch committee insisted William Walters turn in his badge all because they recently discovered that William Walters had too much on his plate. Turned out that besides being on Neighborhood Watch, and acting as a Republican committeeman, William Walters for the past thirty years was also serving a third civic organization as the Grand Dragon of Philadelphia’s chapter of the Ku Klux Klan. William Walters was burning the cross at both ends.

Williams Walters is asking the ACLU to help him the Neighborhood Watch committee.

William Walters is asking the ACLU to help him sue the Neighborhood Watch committee.

William Walters doesn’t think it’s fair he got kicked off the Neighborhood Watch committee. He says he’s being persecuted. And if anybody’s an expert on persecution it’s the Grand Dragon of Philadelphia’s KKK. William Walters says the KKK is simply misunderstood. William Walters, did I mention he’s also a Republican committeeman?, Walters insists that the KKK is a “Christian organization.” He says he’s planning to sue.

Perhaps William Walters should move to Sanford, Florida. That’s where George Zimmerman was also kicked off his Neighborhood Watch committee, but he still got to keep his gun and patrol the area freelance style. Zimmerman also got to shoot and kill Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager, and then get celebrated as a hero by Republicans who were generous enough to pay his legal bills.

Better yet, if William Walters still misses Philadelphia, he should move to Philadelphia, Mississippi where 50 years ago this month members of his conservative “Christian” group, no not the Republican party, that other conservative “Christian” group he belongs to, put on their white hoods and dragged three Civil Rights Workers, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner into the back woods and murdered them.

As a Republican committeeman William Walters would also appreciate Philadelphia, Mississippi as the spot where Ronald Reagan kicked off his run for President on August 3, 1980 at the Neshoba County Fair right there in Philadelphia, Mississippi.

Ronald Reagan chose Philadelphia, Mississippi, one of the key focal points of KKK activity, to launch his presidential campaign because he was signaling all the racists in the south that the GOP is open for business. Reagan’s Southern strategy remains a resounding success to this day as the GOP’s core constituency continues to be the old confederacy.

Reagan picked Philadelphia, Mississippi to kick off his campaign as a dog whistle for racists.

Reagan picked Philadelphia, Mississippi to kick off his campaign as a dog whistle for racists.

Republicans can claim to be a big tent, but truth is they are a party solely for “Christian” bigots, which, according to my reading of the Gospels, is oxymoronic. There simply is no room in the GOP tent for black people or anybody who isn’t Christian.

Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina is the only black Republican serving in Washington, DC. Senator Scott just like that other senator from South Carolina Lindsay Graham is all about family values, and just like Lindsay Graham Senator Scott doesn’t have a family either. What is it about Republican Senators from South Carolina not being able to find the right girl and settling down? I wonder if Senator Tim Scott is a closeted homosexual just like Senator Lindsay Graham. It must be tough being a bigot when you’re gay, African American or maybe both.

Well, anyway, Senator Tim Scott is the only black Republican in Washington, and once Majority Leader Eric Cantor leaves next year every single Republican in both houses of Congress will call themselves Christian even though Jesus wouldn’t dare.

Which brings me back to William Walters who is wrong about everything he believes. Although he is right about one thing. William Walters’ work as Grand Dragon of the KKK will in no way infringe upon his ability to be a loyal Republican.