Nobel winner: Cut student loan rates

Children are our future. Education is more important than money. We can’t compete with China unless more kids go to college. Those are American values, right? And yet we lend money to bankers at far lower rates than we do students. Why? Because bankers control Washington and bankers want every educated American to start their adulthood being $100,000 indebted to bankers. How much of a fight can you put up against the system when your entire career is spent paying off college debt. College debt is turning our most educated into indentured servants who are too broke and too exhausted to fight these loansharks. Banks destroyed America in 2007, and instead of punishing them, we make them stronger. They create nothing and destroy everything. From USA Today…

A proposal by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., to reduce interest rates on student loans has one big economic backer: Nobel Prize laureate Joseph Stiglitz.

via Nobel winner: Cut student loan rates.