Once Again Jimmy Dore Is WRONG About Brian Williams

There comes a time in an election when you have to stop blaming the media, and start blaming the voter.

A week doesn’t go by without Jimmy Dore coming on the show to trash NBC’s Brian Williams. David is constantly finding himself having to defend Williams, someone about whom David couldn’t give a rat’s ass. Below is an example of Brian Williams speaking out against Rush Limbaugh and George W. Bush.

By the same token, Rush Limbaugh is absolutely correct in his critique of MSNBC. It has become progressive porn, and chooses to cover the horse race instead of real news.

Is Jimmy correct that there is a problem with our media? Yes. We just think Brian Williams isn’t the biggest problem, and occasionally does a pretty good job.

Brian Williams Rips Rush Limbaugh, Former FEMA Chief Michael Brown Over Hurricane Sandy; Limbaugh Responds (VIDEO).