Tag: Armed Services Committee

The Mattis Waiver

What is the Mattis Waiver? In order for General James Mattis to be confirmed for Secretary of Defense both houses of congress must pass a law reducing the number of years an officer must be away from the military in order to run the pentagon. Mattathias Schwartz from The Intercept joins us from Capitol Hill to tell us why civilian rule of the military is enshrined into our constitution.

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Wisconsin, Why It Matters

Originally Broadcast June 5, 2012. Howie Klein is the founder and treasurer of Act Blue the Political Action Committee that supports progressive causes. He also writes daily for Down With Tyranny and is a frequent contributor to Crooks And Liars. Howie is perhaps best known for his role as President of Reprise Records from 1989 to 2001. He is also an adjunct professor of music at McGill University in Montreal, where he sometimes lectures. Along with Kevin Rooney and Rick Overton. Portions of today’s program were written by Ben Zelevansky.


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