Tag: BBC

Bonobos Not Sex Monkeys As Previously Thought

According to the BBC, Bonobos are not having sex all the time. Joe DeVito was on the show last week, and we talked about an Anderson Cooper episode of 60 Minutes where he talks about Bonobos solving all their problems through copulation. Turns out Bonobos are more like humans than previously believed, and by “more like humans” we mean they too have sex hangups.

The reality is more nuanced. The frequency of copulation in bonobos is not as high as most people assume, she says. “In terms of reproduction they are not more sexually active than chimps.”

Source: BBC – Earth – Do bonobos really spend all their time having sex?


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Rich Hall

Richard “Rich” Hall is an American comedian, writer, and musician, who became popular in the United Kingdom, regularly appearing on panel shows. He has created and starred in several series for the BBC, including comedies with Mike Wilmot, and documentaries often concerning cinema of the United States. Hall has also maintained a successful stand-up comedy career, as both Otis T. Crenshaw and himself. A combination of stand-up, sketch and interview, Rich Hall’s (US Election) Breakdown broadcasts live from the fictional IBBC network in Washington to the whole of the United States. Rich and his producer Nick Doody take calls from every corner of the United States to hear the concerns of voters, offering their take on the issues troubling the American electorate.

Later, David is joined by American economist and stand-up comedian Yorum Bauman. Bauman bills himself as the “world’s first and only stand-up economist.”

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