Tag: Sirius XM

SiriusXM’s John Fugelsang 

SiriusXM’s John Fugelsang stops by to talk about his new series Page Six TV. Also Comics Liz Miele, Joe DeVito, and Melissa Stokoski. Professor Corey Brettschneider and Amanda Hitt, director of the Government Accountability Project’s Food Integrity Campaign, tells us why Trump is about to make bacon as dangerous for humans as it is for pigs.

John Fugelsang’s new TV show is Page Six TV.

John on staying positive:

I’m so full of gratitude that I’m finally having fun. Because the last couple of years of my life, I’ve been through so much death. Losing people close to me takes a toll, and now I’m sort of a recovering cynic. I’ve burned out on bad stuff. I have to be positive. Having a kid is horrible in that regard because I can’t be a negative dick anymore.

Produced by Alicia Cordova

Listen to entire episode here:

Visit him at www.johnfugelsang.com

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A Thorough Collection of Anthony Cumia’s Tweets Leading to His Firing


A thorough collection of Anthony Cumia’s tweets leading to his firing.

UPDATE: This is a little confusing. Anthony Cumia claims he’s being censored for his tweets, but then he took his tweets down. If he doesn’t want SiriusXm to censor him, maybe he shouldn’t be censoring himself.

Luckily below we still have the tweets even though Anthony Cumia has deleted six months worth of tweets from his account, including the ones that got him fired.

Sirius has just fired shock jock Anthony Cumia for a string of tweets considered by management to be racist. We are providing you with a thorough collection of Anthony Cumia’s tweets he posted this week leading to his firing. That’s because there has been much discussion in the blogosphere all morning as to whether Sirius made the right decision removing him from “Opie And Anthony.”

The collection of Cumia’s tweets was assembled by Journalist Craig Mansfield. You decide. Are these racist? Are these violent? Are these sexist? Does a corporation have the right to distance itself from these tweets by firing the person responsible for them?

It’s all below, you make the call.

The government can’t censor speech, but can a corporation censor it’s own employees? If you were African American or a woman would you find these tweets dangerous? Mr. Cumia is also a proud member of the NRA. Do these views reflect those of the NRA’s? And should the NRA reserve the right to suspend his membership if he crosses a line into hate speech? What is hate speech? And is it hate speech if you’re making a living off of it?

Finally Anthony Cumia says the woman hitting him was lucky he didn’t shoot her because he was carrying a gun that evening. I asked Mr. Cumia if he had a permit to carry a concealed weapon, but he hasn’t responded. You still need a permit in New York City.

Happy 4th of July. We’re a fascinating nation. And it’s a miracle we have all stayed together as a family.

As usual the great Alyssa Rosenberg over at the Washington Post has the last word on this:

Apparently, it is fine for comedians to do whatever they want. But if a woman objects to having her picture taken at random on a public street, she is a crazed feminist making unreasonable demands and using sexual harassment as a cover for all sorts of unreasonable behavior. And if black men step up when a black woman is the target of racial and sexual slurs, now that is just too transgressive.


Our program below:

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