Top 10 Reasons Women Should Hate All Men

Tim Murphy writes for Mother Jones and was a great interview last month. Here’s his latest from Mother Jones:

State Sen. Dan Patrick (R): Defending his party’s chaotic effort to force through a vote as the session was ending, the founder of the state’s tea party caucus told former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on his radio show that lawmakers had an obligation to ignore proper Senate rules and procedure if it meant saving fetuses: “I spoke to my colleagues and said, when Jesus criticized the Pharisees, he criticized them because their laws and their rules were more important than actually taking care of people. And in my view, stopping a debate to save thousands of lives, well, saving the thousands of lives is more important than our tradition of, well, you should never stop someone.”

The 10 Most Absurd Things Texas Republicans Said About Abortion This Year | Mother Jones.

Listen to my conversation with Tim below: