Topics: Cops can’t prevent shootings, only stricter gun laws can; Betty White; New York Mayor Eric Adams; January 6; Theranos; Statistical evidence proves America is an oligarchy
BREAKING NEWS: Don Jr. and Kimberly are engaged. If you want to buy them a gift they’re registered with the law firm of Sydney Powell and Lin Wood. After going over their assets, Kimberly ended up being the one who demanded the prenup. You know the marriage is doomed when the bachelor party is scheduled for after the wedding. Kimberly’s so excited. She’s already picked out the caterer and banquet hall she’s planning to stiff. Kimberly’s dress won’t be white out of fear Don Jr. will try to snort it. I wish them the worst.
Guests With Time Stamps:
1:36:08 Mark Breslin (founder and president of Yuk Yuk’s, largest comedy chain in North America)
1:59:00 Howie Klein (founder and treasurer of The Blue America PAC and author of Down With Tyranny) and Melanie D’Arrigo (candidate for US House of Representatives, NY-3)
2:31:00 David Cobb (environmental activist and Green Party Presidential candidate)
3:16:09 Dr. Harriet Fraad (host of “Capitalism Hits Home”)
3:32:00 Professor Adnan Husain (“Guerrilla History” and “The Majlis” podcasts)
4:03:00 Peter B. Collins (Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame)
5:00:00 Professor Mary Anne Cummings (physicist and parks commissioner Aurora, Illinois)
5:43:21 Professor Mike Steinel (Jazz historian and Dylanologist)
6:21:07 “Ain’t No Chairs” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel