Today’s show features extensive coverage of Amazon workers voting to go union in New York City. Our focus on Ukraine continues as we explore The EU and Biden courting China. Also Ginni Thomas and recent polling shows that more Americans side with Will Smith over Chris Rock. Topics: Amazon workers celebrate Cesar Chavez Day by saying yes to going union on Staten Island but say no in Bessemer, Alabama; Starbucks goes union; Will Smith was never asked to leave; O.J. Simpson says he understands why Will Smith snapped; The Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union has a lot to learn from Christian Smalls’ Amazon Labor Union; Congresswoman Katie Porter exposes the health insurance scam; Jay Z turns his back on Labor; PBS takes health care away for striking workers; New study says Ivermectin doesn’t cure Covid #GinniThomas#AmazonUnion#CesarChavez#AmazonUnion#StarbucksUnion#OJSimpson#Ivermectin Guests With Time Stamps:
0:30 Late Breaking News: Amazon Labor Union wins in Staten Island
3:30 Grace Jackson, expert on China, talks about China’s summit with the EU and The Biden Doctrine
12:25 How China’s system of government differs from Russia’s
24:43 Democracy can have authoritarian components
32:28 David Does The News:
37:50 Why Christian Smalls won and #RWDSU President #StuartAppelbaum keeps failing in Bessemer, Alabama
44:28 Jay Z turns his back on unions
45:48 The #PBS turns its back on unions, takes health care away from striking electricians
49:00 Why does corporate America never complain about the high cost of health care? Because health insu
rance companies keep Americans chained to their desks
54:00 Congresswoman Katie Porter explains why Medicare For All if WAY more efficient than private health insurance in a clip that should be watched by EVERY American
58:15 Why many unions secretly oppose Medicare For All
1:29:00 Marshall Allen author of “Never Pay the First Bill: And Other Ways to Fight the Health Care System and Win”
1:56:20 David proposes a General Strike where ALL Americans decide to STOP paying their medical bills.
2:03:00 The Herschenfelds: Dr. Philip Herschenfeld and Ethan Herschenfeld Dr. Philip Herschenfeld is a Freudian psychoanalyst. Ethan Herschenfeld is a comedian and actor, and his new comedy special “Thug, Thug Jew” is streaming on YouTube.
2:16:00 Why Jewish people are reluctant to question their bill
2:32:37 Emil Guillermo host of the PETA Podcast, and a columnist for The Asian American Legal Defense And Education Fund.
2:41:00 How do most African Americans poll on the Will Smith slap. Who’s side are they on? The results will depress you.
2:56:00 David’s son, Ralphie Lane, America’s youngest political satirist pops in
3:05:25 “Ain’t No Chairs” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel
3:11:03 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn’s Religious Nut of The Week; If the Dems lose the House then Joe Biden will be impeached because of Hunter’s laptop The Rev. Barry W. Lynn ran Americans United for Separation of Church and State for nearly a quarter of a century. He is a lawyer, a barrister, a counselor, and attorney, as well as a member of the Supreme Court Bar. He’s also an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ.
3:24:31 After the Dems lose the midterms, Joe Biden will be impeached over Hunter Biden’s laptop
4:09:06 Joe In Norway prepares another mouthwatering dish
4:13:45 The Professors And Mary Anne: Professors Mary Anne Cummings, Ann Li, Jonathan Bick #Amazon ; #GinniThomas belonged to a fat shaming cult; Ukraine and Russia make headway with peace talks in Turkey
4:21:50 Amazon General Counsel David Zapolsky tried to smear Christian Smalls by calling him “not smart or articulate”
5:21:07 Dave In PA and Chad work on a bowl
5:24:01 Alan Minsky with Meleiza Figueroa. Alan Minsky is executive director of Progressive Democrats of America. He is a lifelong activist, who has worked as a progressive journalist for the past two decades. Meleiza [muh-LIZ-uh] Figueroa is a PhD candidate in the Geography Department at UC Berkeley, a teacher-owner at The Cooperative New School for Urban Studies and Environmental Justice, and has extensive experience in progessive media and activism. Meleiza works trying to secure land management contracts for Indigenous tribes from the Federal, State, and Local governments.