The clinical definition of a sociopath would be someone who doesn’t see the blood on his hands or her father’s. That makes Dick And Liz Cheney sociopaths. Originally broadcast on the David Feldman Show.
The clinical definition of a sociopath would be someone who doesn’t see the blood on his hands or her father’s. That makes Dick And Liz Cheney sociopaths. Originally broadcast on the David Feldman Show.
MACON, Ga.- Police say a Macon man is resting comfortably at the Medical Center of Central Georgia after suffering a self-inflicted gunshot to the penis.
Authorities say the unidentified man was sitting in his parked car at the Sunoco gas station on Zebulon Road at 9:30 p.m. June 12 when he attempted to holster his 45.
The Macon man told police he accidentally fired the gun, which discharged a single bullet into his penis and then exited through his buttocks. He reportedly then drove to Lake Wildwood where his friend immediately drove him to Coliseum Northside hospital where doctors saw the extent of the injuries to his penis and sent him over to Medical Center for surgery.
In April of this year Governor Nathan Deal signed into law House Bill 60 which makes it legal for registered gun owners to carry their weapon anywhere including schools, churches and offices. The law goes into effect July 1, 2014.
-Patty Cooper
West Virginia voters in the second congressional district have a chance to vote for the Independent Ed Rabel who takes no corporate funding. One of Cronkite’s boys, Rabel is a legendary radio, TV and print journalist as well as an outspoken critic of Big Coal and Big Money. Originally broadcast on The David Feldman Show.
More and more right wing extremists have infiltrated the NRA and the GOP.
David kicks off the show with a rant about the NRA, then Howie Klein joins us to talk about this week’s election results. Then, Jimmy Lee Wirt and Laura House sit down to talk with musician/comedian/author/actor Dave Hill about all of the fun and interesting projects he’s involved in, including his awesome band Valley Lodge. Plus, movie reviews with Michael Snyder, then David ends the show with more talk about the NRA with KPFK’s John Matthews.
Bob Saget describes spending time with Larry from The Three Stooges. Bob’s new book is called “Dirty Daddy.” Originally broadcast on the David Feldman Show. Bob’s book is published by HarperCollins.