The Election Mop Up for November 6, 2020
The Election Mop Up for November 6, 2020
The Mop Up For November 3, 2020
Joe Biden came to debate Donald Trump but Abraham Lincoln showed up. The only thing Trump has in common with Lincoln is Lincoln was once a Whig, and Trump wears one.
On today’s show, a deep dive into the elections in Bolivia with Dr. Alexander Aviña, professor of history and author of “Specters of Revolution: Peasant Guerrillas in the Cold War Mexican Countryside”
Joe Biden came to debate Donald Trump but Abraham Lincoln showed up. The only thing Trump has in common with Lincoln is Lincoln was once a Whig, and Trump wears one. Now we turn to the experts: Professor Harvey J. Kaye, author of “FDR on Democracy”: Professor Adnan Husain, chairman of the religion department at Queen’s University, Kingston Ontario; Professor Mary Anne Cummings who is a parks commissioner for Aurora, Illinois, Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America, The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and Emil Guillermo, journalist and host of The PETA Podcast
The David Feldman Show’s Mop Up For October 16, 2020