BBC’s Lord Trevor Foblin reflects upon Elton John, Noel Coward, Eddie Cantor, and Water On The Brain. We meet the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre and the cold dead corpse of Charlton Heston. Along with Kevin Rooney, Jimmy Dore, Ron Babcock and Jim Earl. Originally broadcast on 1/14/11 on KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles Pacifica Radio for Southern California.
SCTV’s Andrea Martin drops by to discuss Marty Short, Mel Brooks, Winning Tony’s, Creating Comedy, Canadian Health Care, Emerson College, and Lot’s Of Other Stuff. Originally broadcast January 7, 2011 on KPFK 90.7 FM Pacifica Radio for Southern California. Please subscribe to us on iTunes.
The best joke of 2010 is told by Kevin Rooney as Jane Edith Wilson, & Steve Rosenfield join us from Studio D inside the KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles Broadcast Center to look back fondly at a wretched year. This is a rebroadcast of our show heard 3:30 each Friday on Pacifica Radio.
From 1962’s Port Huron Statement to 2010’s Peace and Justice Resource Center Tom Hayden has dedicated his entire life to exposing the real motives behind wars and working to end them. Many consider him the single most important figure of the 1960s student movement. One of the Chicago 8 as well as a founder of the SDS, Tom has carried the spirit of the 60s well into the 21st century working for peace, ending overseas sweatshops and animals rights. Getting labeled a radical did nothing to damage Tom Hayden’s reputation here in Southern California where he served in the state legislature for nearly twenty years. Most striking is Tom’s utter contempt for cynicism even as America’s involvement in Afghanistan approaches a decade. Today’s conversation begins with overwhelming polling that indicates Americans have grown weary of war. Tom Hayden can be read every day at His books include the Tom Hayden reader. His newest book, The Long Sixties: From 1960 to Barack Obama, is available from Paradigm Publishers and book retailers near you.
From Pacifica Radio: David tackles the Bush library, Charlie Rangel, A Royal Wedding and the TSA. Special Guest Tom Hayden. Through his activism, politics and writing, Tom Hayden remains a leading voice for ending our wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, eliminating sweatshops, protecting the environment, animals, and changing democracy from within. One of the great American success stories, Tom Hayden went from 60s radical to serving in the California state legislature for nearly twenty years. He publishes The Peace Exchange Bulletin covering America’s engagement in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, as well as our wars on drugs and gangs, as well as the U.S. military responses to nationalism and poverty around the world.
Author of The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street. This is a rebroadcast of our show for Pacifica Radio.
“What I love about ‘The David Feldman Show’ is I’m listening to a middle-aged guy getting radicalized, but he still can’t stop telling dick jokes with his comic friends from the ’80s.” – Michael Brooks, The Michael Brooks Show
“I love how David gives both sides of a story: profound and anti-found.” – Congressman Alan Grayson
“A podcast for folks who believe that strong political convictions and a sense of humor do not have to be mutually exclusive.” – Nathan Rabin, The AV Club
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