Category: The News From Around The World

Does This Look Like A Man Who Has To Pay For It?

Roger Ailes runs Fox News

Roger Ailes runs Fox News

A new book about Roger Ailes the chairman of the Fox News Channel claims Ailes once offered a woman an extra one hundred dollars a week if she would have sex with him whenever he wanted. C’mon, does this look like somebody who has to pay for it? From the Times:

Former employees cited in the book talked of Mr. Ailes’s volatile temper and domineering behavior. In one anecdote, a television producer, Randi Harrison, told Mr. Sherman that while negotiating her salary with Mr. Ailes at NBC in the 1980s, he offered her an additional $100 each week “if you agree to have sex with me whenever I want.”

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Is Dennis Rodman’s Trip To North Korea Based On A Lie?

Dennis Rodman claims to be playing for charity in North Korea this week. Hayes Brown from Think Progress looks into this claim. Below is his article for Think Progress on Rodman’s “charity” and an audio excerpt from his appearance on our show that we uploaded to You Tube.

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The Gop Can Only Lie About Obamacare

Republicans want you to believe that millions of Americans are losing their health insurance due to Obamacare, and that President Obama lied when he said, “If you liked your plan you could keep it.” George Zornick writes for The Nation Magazine, he’s been looking into this for the Washington Post and writes that when all is said and done only ten thousand Americans will lose their coverage, not the five million conservative pundits would want us to believe. He joins us from Washington DC. Below are the show notes including an audio excerpt of the interview we posted on You Tube:

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Jay Leno’s Secret Porn Stash – Watch Now!

Mechanophilia (or Mechaphilia) is when someone has sexual attraction to machines such as bicycles, motor vehicles, helicopters and airplanes. This documentary tells the story of two men who love to have sex with their cars. I wonder if they ever play this song while applying their ‘Turtle Wax’?

Scottish Man Arrested On Train Having Sex With Drink Cart

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