The Mop Up For May 27, 2021
Topics: UFOs; Guns; Can capitalism save capitalism?; Exxon, Shell and Chevron under attack; Booster shots anybody?
Guests With Time Stamps: 4:30 Mike Rowe, Emmy Award winning comedy writer, Futurama and Family Guy, and author of “It’s A Funny Thing: How the Professional Comedy Writing Business Made Me Fat and Bald” 47:00 David does The News 59:04 Dr. Arnon Degani, postdoctoral fellow at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and researcher at the MOLAD – the Center for the renewal of Israeli democracy 1:45:00 Dan Frankenberger’s “Community Billboard” 1:58:56 Henry Hakamaki talks with Terry Macalister, former Energy Editor at The Guardian, coauthor of the brand new book Crude Britannia: How Oil Shaped a Nation” 2:32:05 David Cobb, environmental activist and Green Party presidential candidate 3:00:15 Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, Freudian psychoanalyst, and Ethan Herschenfeld, noted son of Dr. Philip Herschenfeld 3:26:00 Jon Ross, Comedy Writer and Gentleman Farmer 4:02:00 Professor Ben Burgis, columnist for Jacobin, host of “Give Them an Argument” whose latest book is, “Cancelling Comedians While The World Burns” 4:28:00 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State 5:32:26 The Professors and Mary Anne: Professor Mary Anne Cummings; Professor Ian Faloona; Professor Adnan Husain; Professor Jonathan Bick 6:32:15 Emil Guillermo, host of The PETA Podcast and columnist for AALDEF, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund 7:26:36 Texas Tom Webber talks about whatever he wants