Ireland stops by, Charlie Sheen and conspiracy theories. With Jimmy Dore, Andy Caploe, Jane Edith Wilson and Troy Conrad.
Ireland stops by, Charlie Sheen and conspiracy theories. With Jimmy Dore, Andy Caploe, Jane Edith Wilson and Troy Conrad.
From the front lines of America’s Jet Stream in Southern California it’s our KPFK 90.7 FM radio show heard on Pacifica Radio. With Andrea Martin, Kevin Rooney, Alan Chapman, Steve Rosenfield, Jane Edith Wilson, Andy Caploe, Chris Pina, and Troy Conrad. Written by Andrea Martin, Steve Rosenfield, Andy Caploe and Ben Zelevansky. Mixed and engineered by Alex Steen. Edited by Darren Ayres. Executive producer Troy Conrad. Originally heard March 17, 2011 on Pacifica Radio.
Radicalized Irishmen, Wisconsin, The Oscars, New Jersey’s Governor, and Food. Plus Alan Chapman sings The Hairplugs Song. Featuring Ron Babcock, Jane Edith Wilson, Troy Conrad, Jimmy Dore and Mark Thompson.
Liberal celebs ignore Wisconsin & Charlie Sheen’s history of domestic violence. With Jane Edith Wilson, Troy Conrad and Jimmy Dore. Edited by Darren Ayres. Mixed and engineered by Alex Steen.
Rev. Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church, Canada’s Truth In Journalism Act, John Galliano, our Supreme Court, the First Ammendment are up for discussion in today’s roundtable with Jimmy Dore, Troy Conrad and Jane Edith Wilson.
Randy Credico political comedian, activist and Director of the William Moses Kunstler Fund for Racial Justice discusses his work to overturn the Rockefeller Drug Laws. He is the subject of “60 Spins Around The Sun” a documentary chronicling his efforts to empty American prisons of the casualties of this country’s insane, racist war on drugs. Plus David trashes the Academy Awards.With Jim Earl, Kevin Rooney, Jimmy Dore, Jane Edith Wilson, Rick Overton and Randy Credico. Written by Ned Rice, Jim Earl, Steve Rosenfield and David Feldman. Today’s show was edited by Darren Ayres. We are mixed and engineered by Alex Steen. Our executive producer is Troy Conrad.