Topics: Tragedy In Kyiv; Ukraine’s Neo Nazi Azov Battalion; NATO and European Union stand strong; Hungary’s Orban, Britain’s Farage and France’s Le Pen all turn on Putin; Why was Volodymyr Zelensky’s name in the Panama Papers?; Aleksandr G. Lukashenko;
Guests With Time Stamps:
1:05 David Does the News
1:04:24 “Ain’t No Chairs” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel
1:06:05 Peter Mui (founder of “Fixit Clinic)
1:36:28 Jason Myles and Pascal Robert (co-hosts of “This is Revolution” podcast) talk about the IMF and World Bank
2:02:03 Howie Klein (founder and treasurer of The Blue America PAC and author of Down With Tyranny) with Ruth Luevanos (candidate for US House of Representatives, CA-27)
2:34:00 Mark Breslin (founder and president of Yuk Yuk’s, largest comedy chain in North America)
3:03:39 Dr. Harriet Fraad (host of “Capitalism Hits Home”)
3:29:53 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard
3:37:12 Professor Adnan Husain (“Guerrilla History” and “The Majlis” podcasts)
4:10:00 Peter B. Collins (Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame)
4:36:58 “I’m Traveling Light” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel
4:40:58 Professor Mary Anne Cummings (physicist and parks commissioner Aurora, Illinois)
5:31:26 Professor Mike Steinel (Jazz historian and Dylanologist) “Stand Together” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel