The Mop Up For March 11, 2021
Topics: Trump’s legal troubles; Red States are lethal; Covid’s birthday; Derek Chauvin faces a third-degree murder charge
Guests With Time Stamps:
(1:45) The News With Jim Earl, Emmy and Peabody award winning comedy writer and Jon Ross, comedian and gentleman farmer
(56:32) Grace Jackson and Henry Hakamaki talk with Leta Hong-Fincher author of “Leftover Women: The Resurgence of Gender Inequality in China”
(1:37:06) Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard
(1:42:10) Mike Rowe, Emmy award winning comedy writer and author of the new book “It’s A Funny Thing: How The Professional Comedy Writing Business Made Me Fat and Bald”
(2:01:23) Professor Ben Burgis, columnist Jacobin, host of “Give Them An Argument” and author of the new book “Canceling Comedians While the World Burns”
(2:37:59) David takes your calls
(2:59:01) Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, psychiatrist, and Ethan, comic/actor
(3:28:00) Burt Ross, columnist Malibu Times
(3:58:49) The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United For Separation of Church and State
(5:01:58) The Professors and Mary Anne: Professor Jonathan Bick, Professor Ian Faloona, Professor Adnan Husain and Professor Mary Anne Cummings
(6:02:22) Professor Harvey J. Kaye, author of “FDR On Democracy” and Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America
(6:33:09) Rick Overton, Emmy Award winning actor, writer and comedian
(6:56:41) Emil Guillermo, host of The PETA Podcast