Shahid Buttar is running for Congress as a Democratic Socialist. On today’s show, he fends off coordinated attacks against his reputation and demonstrates why, now more than ever, he must defeat neoliberal lap dog Nancy Pelosi; Down With Tyranny’s Howie Klein, founder and treasurer of The Blue America PAC, calls the sexual harassment accusations against Shahid Buttar a DCCC hit job and declares he’s maxing out his donations to Shahid’s campaign; Professor Harvey J. Kaye, author of “F.D.R. On Democracy;” Dr. Harriet Fraad, host of “When Capitalism Hits Home” and “It’s Not Just In Your Head;” Comic Judy Gold, author of “Yes I Can Say That;” Kelly Stone, sex educator, comedian, baby momma and candidate; Timothy Ulrich from China Global Television Network talks to us from Inner Mongolia; Comedian Aaron Berg, whose latest special “25 Sets” is streaming on Amazon and iTunes; The Founder and President of Yuk Yuk’s, North America’s Largest Comedy Chain, Mark Breslin; Folklore Archivist Nicole Penney discusses infamous yoga positions that involve sucking liquid from a glass without using one’s hands or mouth. WARNING: While anthropological in scope, the conversation is not suitable for people who consider themselves suitable; Jazz Historian Mike Steinel talks and then sings about wealth inequality; Emil Guillermo, host of The PETA Podcast; Medieval European and Middle Eastern Historian Professor Adnan Husain; Covid 19 Town Hall with The Irritable Immunologist and Immuno Biologist Henry Hakamaki; Jackie “The Joke Man” Martling
Time Code: I’m On My Way (0:00) Shahid Buttar (2:53) Howie Klein (57:55) Professor Harvey J. Kaye (1:23:19) Dr. Harriet Fraad (1:50:54) No Evil Blues (2:27:38) Professor Adnan Husain (2:30:49) Kelly Stone (3:11:19) Ain’t No Cane on The Brazos (3:36:18) Emil Guillermo (3:40:05) Hey Mr. Bezos (4:13:30) Judy Gold (4:17:54) Timothy Ullrich (4:46:20) Folklore Archivist Nicole Penney (5:11:50) Mark Breslin (5:26:20) Aaron Berg (6:04:11) Professor Mike Steinel (6:25:55) Covid-19 Town Hall (6:46:24) Jackie “The Joke Man” Martling (7:31:00)
Music By: Professor Mike Steinel, Jim Mahood and The Covid Players who are Lance Jeffries, Tom Webber and Kathleen Ashe
I’m on My Way written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel; Howie Klein Love Theme written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel; Harvey J. Kaye Love Theme written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel; Hard Time In The City written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel; Ain’t No Cane on The Brazos performed by The Covid Players; Aaron Berg Love Theme written and performed by Tim Mahood; No Evil Blues written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel; Hey Mr. Bezos written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel