Deception on Gun Background Checks –

The dumber we get here in America the easier it is for our politicians to lie and confuse us. Democracy requires a citizenry that understands civics, a citizenry that understands that you can’t judge a bill by its name. Americans die while Wayne LaPierre and the gun manufacturers bankrolling his lies get richer. From an editorial in today’s New York Times.

This kind of dissembling by gun control opponents has been rampant for years, but rarely have the National Rifle Association’s most captive lawmakers been so nakedly deceptive as in the weeks since public rage grew over the gun vote. Senator Kelly Ayotte, Republican of New Hampshire, also voted against the Manchin-Toomey measure,

All you need to ask your senator is, “Did you support Manchin-Toomey?” Any other gun control bill was designed to control people who want gun control…

and she immediately suffered the backlash of angry voters in her state. So she issued a statement saying “I support effective background checks” and reminding voters that she had backed the misleadingly named Protecting Communities and Preserving the Second Amendment Act — a measure that does nothing to close the loopholes for Internet or gun-show sales and that was, in fact, supported by the N.R.A. because it actually makes it easier to transport guns across state lines.

via Deception on Gun Background Checks –