Slaughterhouses, What You’re Not Allowed To Know

Slaughterhouses, What You're Not Allowed To Know

What you need to know about the meat you’re eating. In America the only way you can continue to eat beef, chicken and pork is by turning a blind eye to the conditions inside our slaughterhouses. As USDA inspectors become a rarity on factory farms Americans know less and less about working conditions inside these animal disassembly plants. If you knew how these animals were treated and how filthy the work conditions were, you would never touch a piece of meat again. That’s why more and more states are passing what are called Ag Gag laws which prevent animal activists from filming the inside of a slaughterhouse. It’s against the law in more and more states for a whistleblower to videotape working conditions inside a slaughterhouse. Why? Because even if you think animals were put on this earth to be eaten, even if you are convinced animals have no soul, no feeling, no fear, and should be killed even tortured, you would still be appalled by the filth you’re putting into your body.

On today’s show we talk with Leighton Woodhouse and Christopher Sprinkle from Dog Park Media. Leighton’s recent article in the Nation Magazine this week shows us how Big Ag is getting bigger and bigger, more powerful, more dangerous for our first amendment and our health. You need to hear this. Ignorance is no longer bliss, it’s killing us. What we do to animals we eventually do to each other. And the decisions you make regarding your diet, more than the Prius you drive or the solar panels on your roof, will determine the fate of our planet. Grab a cup of coffee, we’ve got some heavy lifting to do this morning.

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