U.S. Says It Captured Suspected Leader of Benghazi Attack


Now what for Darrell Issa.

Now what for Darrell Issa?

While Republicans spent our time and yes our money trying to blame Obama for Benghazi, Barack Obama today went and caught the guy who did it.

Consider the waste just so Republicans could politicize a tragedy. Thirteen hearings, 25,000 pages of documents and 50 briefings.

A top Democrat serving on the House Armed Services Committee recently complained about the strain the GOP placed on our pentagon…

The department has devoted thousands of man-hours to responding to numerous and often repetitive congressional requests regarding Benghazi, which includes time devoted to approximately 50 congressional hearings, briefings and interviews which the department has led or participated in. The total cost of compliance with Benghazi-related congressional requests sent to the department and other agencies is estimated to be in the millions of dollars.

See how the GOP works? They’d rather slow the pentagon down than help it find the people behind the attack.

Unlike Bush and Cheney, when something bad happens on his watch President Obama fixes it. The Obamacare website is up and running. He catches the guy responsible for Benghazi.

Republicans are incompetent because they live in a world devoid of facts. That’s why 9/11 happened, and that’s why it took Obama to kill Bin Laden. There’s a very simple narrative to American history that the GOP will never shake. Hoover crashed the economy. FDR saved America. Bush almost wiped us out. Obama saved our country. That’s how history will record events no matter how much the GOP huffs and puffs.

And that’s why the GOP despises Obama. President Obama reminds the GOP of how ignorant and incompetent they are.



U.S. Says It Captured Suspected Leader of Benghazi Attack – NYTimes.com.