Watch: Gary Bauer Kicks Off Right Wing Christian Faith & Freedom Expo by Attacking Gays, Muslims & Obama

Gary Bauer hates Jesus.

Gary Bauer hates Jesus.

Gary Bauer is one of the original fools for Christ running for president twice back in the 90s. He was a vocal supporter of the invasion of Iraq, because that’s who Jesus would attack. He opposes stem cell research, gay marriage, sex education, believes abstinence works better than contraception and most importantly wants to defund Planned Parenthood even though it offers free healthcare to millions of poor women.

Like any devout Christian, Bauer wants to give more tax cuts to the wealthy, and most importantly, just like Jesus so eloquently preached, Bauer insists America must rid our nation of illegal immigrants, especially the hordes of Mexican children coming over the border taking jobs away from American children.

He also believes America is under attack by President Obama’s pro Islam and pro Gay agenda.

He will destroy our country. Take a look at this video from Right Wing Watch.

-Clifford Englewood.