Washington DC’s city council passes the Large Retailer Accountability Act of 2013 forcing big box stores like Wal-Mart and Target, with annual sales exceeding one billion a year, to pay workers a livable wage. Wal-Mart lobbyists are now urging the mayor of Washington DC to veto the bill. What does that means for retail employees across the nation? Plus June’s Jobs numbers are up. The numbers are good, but the jobs aren’t. America’s working poor seems to be growing at the same rate as jobs are. We’ll look at these new job numbers, and Wal-Mart’s troubles in Washington DC with Aviva Shen who writes for Think Progress. Aviva’s writings have also appeared in Salon, New York Magazine, and Smithsonian Magazine. In the 2008 Obama campaign she served as a social media consultant.
Also David weighs in on the George Zimmerman verdict.
And so do Will Ryan and the Cactus County Cowboys.
Portions of today’s program feature Kevin Rooney, Mark Thompson, Chris Pina, Eddie Pepitone and Eddie Crasnick, and were written by Ben Zelevasnky, Karen Simmons, Eddie Crasnick, Eddie Pepitone and David Feldman.
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