Being forced to show up to an office with Paul Dooley, Laura House, Will Ryan and Guy Nicolucci. Review this podcast on iTunes.
Being forced to show up to an office with Paul Dooley, Laura House, Will Ryan and Guy Nicolucci. Review this podcast on iTunes.
Comedy Writer Tess Rafferty whose new book “Recipes For Disaster: A Memoir” talks about cooking, writing for television, eating, bleeding and her amazing parties. Plus Film Critic Michael Snyder. Review this podcast on iTunes.
Who says Climate Change can’t provoke a laugh riot to go along with all those food riots? Mark Thompson, Kevin Rooney and Will Ryan. Portions of today’s program written by Ned Rice and David Feldman. Review this podcast on iTunes.
Dennis Rodman, The Pope, Solitary Confinement, China, Seth at the Oscars, Reagan and Dice. Jimmy Dore, Kevin Rooney and Jane Edith Wilson. Review this podcast on iTunes.
Star of “Janeane From Des Moines” Jane Edith Wilson talks about her new movie documenting her encounters with Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, Newt and Calista Gingrich, and Rick Santorum as they run for President in 2012. With rave reviews from the New York Times and Variety “Janeane From Des Moines” was an official selection at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival and is available right now on iTunes. Click here to leave a review of this podcast.
Why the Oscars were awesome. Plus Black Face, The C Word, and Vintage Boehner. Emmy award winning comedy writer Kevin Rooney, Mark Thompson and Andy Caploe. Review this podcast on iTunes.