Our First Amendment trumps the Second Amendment which is why Citizens United ultimately means the death of the NRA.
Our First Amendment trumps the Second Amendment which is why Citizens United ultimately means the death of the NRA.
The N.R.A. and the current state of journalism.
Are practical jokes the lowest form of humor? Plus explaining Right To Work legislation.
Feldman actually defends Jon Stewart for calling Daily Show writers “A-holes,” then he launches into Malcolm Forbes’ homosexuality, Senator Lindsay Graham’s homosexuality, tries to explain the Fiscal Cliff and comes up with some odd theory about how to stop the war on X-mas. Plus Michael Snyder on movies.
On today’s show I slap Jimmy Dore around. Sure it gets ugly. But Dore got out of line, and somebody needed to straighten him out, and I’m the man to do it. You know, people been saying things on the street. They say I’m weak, that I don’t know how to defend myself, but they just don’t understand that I’m a Bodhisattva. I’m enlightened, I’m above the fray, I’m Shane. Because I’ve been curb checking big mouths full of wiseass before Jimmy Dore was even a wad of sperm nestling up against his mother’s Chlamydia. So sit back and enjoy as I mop the floor with this Irish stunad. Plus music from Will Ryan And The Cactus County Cowboys.
Dom Irrera tells David what it’s like to make love to David’s wife.