Category: The News From Around The World

Kellyanne Conway’s Mouth Is For Hire, Watch:

We found two videos that should put to rest any notion that Kellyanne Conway is anything but a money grubbing opportunistic political hack, an unoriginal parasite who will assume whatever position to advance her agenda at the expense of millions of innocent lives and our democracy. There’s a special place in hell for people like Kellyanne Conway, and that hell is the Trump White House. What a lonely, horror show her life must be.

Kellyanne Conway today:

Kellyanne Conway a year ago:

Now listen to today’s podcast:

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Why Punching Richard Spencer is Wrong 

Clip from tomorrow’s show is now on You Tube. Alt-Right Founder Richard B. Spencer was punched in the head this weekend. Some liberals, including former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau, delighted in this act of violence which left a humiliated Spencer with a black eye. Our side loses the moral high ground when we resort to savagery. Stay focused on working within the law and winning elections.

Listen to my podcast below:

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Ashley Judd Says Online Misogyny Must Stop

There’s no turning back. Trump didn’t wake a sleeping giant. Women have been awake for decades. Now it’s time for men to wake up. Guys, watch this video. Take the time to listen. If you don’t evolve you will die alone while going broke paying for sex.

On Silicon Valley Ashley Judd says…

And more love for my friends in tech: profiteering off misogyny in video games must end. I’m so tired of hearing you talk to me at cocktail parties — like you did a couple weeks ago in Aspen — about how deplorable #Gamergate was, when you’re still making billions of dollars off games that maim and dump women for sport. Basta! — as the Italians would say. Enough.

Listen to today’s podcast:

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