The camera adds ten pounds. Twenty pounds if you eat it. Forget the movie Speed, it looks like somebody needs to start taking some.
Keanu Reeves Looks Bloated at Cannes Film Festival – Yahoo! omg!.
The camera adds ten pounds. Twenty pounds if you eat it. Forget the movie Speed, it looks like somebody needs to start taking some.
Keanu Reeves Looks Bloated at Cannes Film Festival – Yahoo! omg!.
Hey, how about I start aiming at Americans instead?
The New York Times reports today that amid the controversy surrounding the Obama administration’s targeted killing counterterror program, and in particular that program’s use of unmanned aerial vehicles, the number drone strikes U.S. forces have conducted over the past few years has declined…
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Is it safe for a pregnant woman to wear that much bronzer? There are toxic chemicals than can seep into the amniotic fluid. Then again if Kim cared what she put into her body she wouldn’t be carrying Kanye’s kid.
Every week, Wired takes a look at the latest episode of Mad Men through the lens of the latest media campaign of the Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce advertising agency. A big shiny Clio Award to everyone out there who figured out what Don Draper was really trying to sell, and to whom he was really trying to sell it, before his long dark working-weekend of the soul came to an end. I didn’t. I’d taken […]
Sarah Palin, foremost critic of the ‘lamestream media,’ has found an exception in CNN’s Jake Tapper. “There’s something different, certainly refreshing, about Jake Tapper,” she tweeted on Tuesday. “I call it integrity and professionalism.” Palin was responding to an interview with Tapper on, the television industry news site, in which he discussed his coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings, the trial of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell and the recent Oklahoma tornadoes, among other […]
Preliminary analyses of the 2010 U.S. Census indicated that less than one in ten American seniors live in poverty. But a new and more nuanced “supplemental” poverty metric finds that number may actually be closer to one in seven seniors when accounting for their out-of-pocket medical bills. The “original” poverty metric has been used since the 1960s. But some argue that it’s an archaic measuring stick, since health […]
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