Tag: donald trump cabinet

Scott Pruitt, ExxonMobil’s E.P.A. Pick 

Scott Pruitt is exactly who ExxonMobil wants running EPA. The Oklahoma attorney general has a long history of carrying Exxon Mobil’s water, especially when it comes to denying Climate Change. We talk with Jenny Rowland who specializes in climate change and energy issues for the Center for American Progress. Her latest article is How Exxon Won the 2016 Election.
You can read it here:

Then listen to my podcast below:

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The Mattis Waiver

What is the Mattis Waiver? In order for General James Mattis to be confirmed for Secretary of Defense both houses of congress must pass a law reducing the number of years an officer must be away from the military in order to run the pentagon. Mattathias Schwartz from The Intercept joins us from Capitol Hill to tell us why civilian rule of the military is enshrined into our constitution.

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