Nothing to be grateful for. Life sucks, and America’s a failed state. That means it’s time for The David Feldman Show’s annual “No Home For The Holidays Special!
5:43 Burt Ross, American hero 35:40 Melania Trump, AKA Martha Previte and Jim Earl, Emmy and Peabody Award winning comedy writer 1:02:51 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State 1:37:42 Professor Adnan Husain host of “Guerrilla History” 1:37:42 Grace Jackson, our correspondent in Great Britain 2:13:16 Dr. Jennifer Verdolin, animal behaviorist and author of “Raised by Animals” 2:26:10 Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America 2:55:59 Dr. Philip Herschenfeld and his son Ethan, comic/actor 3:06:14 Professor Mary Anne Cummings, parks commissioner Aurora, Illinois 4:00:16 Henry Hakamaki, immunobiologist, host of “Guerrilla History” 4:35:15 Dave Sirus, from SNL and “The King of Staten Island”