The Mop Up For March 26, 2021
Topics: Republican declare war on Democracy; Biden’s first press conference; Mass Shootings and Covid make a comeback
Guests With Time Stamps: 1:59 David does the News 18:41 Jim Earl, Emmy and Peabody award winning comedy writer and Martha Previte, comedy genius 38:30 Jon Ross, gentleman farmer, comedian and comedy writer 58:20 Comedy Writers Alan Zweibel, author of “Laugh Lines, My Life Helping Funny People Be Funnier” and Mike Rowe, author of “It’s A Funny Thing: How The Professional Comedy Writing Business Made Me Fat and Bald” 1:45:24 Jamie Peck, host of The Antifada Podcast, and Roriki Hutchinson, Weekly Marx 2:20:32 Emil Guillermo, host of the PETA Podcast and columnist for the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund 2:41:05 Scoop Nisker, founder and co-editor of the international Theravada Buddhist journal “Inquiring Mind” 3:17:33 Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, psychiatrist, and Ethan Herschenfeld, comedian/actor 3:36:47 Burt Ross, columnist for The Malibu Times 4:11:55 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State 4:33:55 Henry Hakamaki talks with Kayla Popuchet who writes about the role “whiteness” plays in the violent history of Europe and Latin America 5:00:18 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 5:10:57 The Professors and Mary Anne; Professor Mary Anne Cummings, Professor Adnan Husain, Professor Ian Faloona and Professor Jonathan Bick talk about whatever they want 6:06:06 Professor Harvey J. Kaye, author of “FDR on Democracy,” Professor Ben Burgis, author of “Cancelling Comedians While The World Burns,” and Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America 7:09:45 Timothy Ulrich in Beijing with China Global Television
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