Topics: Rudy caught shaving inside a restaurant; Marco Rubio talks tough; Eric Trump talks tough; Kevin McCarthy talks tough; Lindsey Graham already planning our next war; America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists except when it does
Guests With Time Stamps
03:14 Dan Frankenberger and David try to save the show from completely going off the rails 05:30 David does The News 1:30:21 Mike Rowe, Emmy award winning author of “It’s A Funny Thing” 1:56:00 The Herschenfelds: Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, Freudian psychoanalyst, and Ethan Herschenfeld whose new comedy special “Thug, Thug Jew” is streaming on YouTube 2:31:33 Emil Guillermo, host of the PETA Podcast, and columnist for The Asian American Legal Defense And Education Fund 3:01:18 “I’m Traveling Light” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel 3:05:36 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State 4:13:50 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 4:24:30 The Professors And Mary Anne: Professor Jonathan Bick and others PHDs TBD 5:02:14 Professor Harvey J. Kaye, “FDR on Democracy” and Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America