Author: DFShow

Rockin’ The Deuce


Paul Dooley, Marty Short, Andrea Martin, Mike MacRae, Janie Haddad Tompkins, Jeremy S. Kramer, Hal Lublin, Ron Babcock and Chris Pina. Today’s Show was written by David Weiss, Will Dixon, Hal Lublin, Ron Babcock, Mike MacRae, Chris Pina and David Feldman.

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Our Transgender Community


Last Wednesday a judge sentenced Army Private “Bradley” Manning to thirty-five years in prison after Manning was convicted of handing over to Wikileaks a treasure trove of classified military files and videos. Immediately after the sentencing Manning announced that from now on she would like to be referred to as Chelsea Manning and that she would pursue a series of hormone treatments to assist in her full transition to a woman. Manning’s lawyer says Manning suffers from gender dysphoria, which Manning hopes to address during her stay inside Fort Leavenworth prison.Meanwhile Ben Wizner, director of the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy & Technology Project said of Manning’s conviction, “When a soldier who shared information with the press and public is punished far more harshly than others who tortured prisoners and killed civilians, something is seriously wrong with our justice system.” For more on this we are joined by Zack Ford. Zack Ford is the editor of ThinkProgress LGBT at the Center for American Progress Action Fund.

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Ignorance Is Bliss


If we ignore what’s happening in the world can we be happy? Can a human being live a full life immune to the suffering of others? Is there more to life than paying attention? David talks with Howie Klein who writes the Down With Tyranny blog about Howie’s six weeks in Tuscany this summer and how it’s impossible to escape the effects of government and politics. Then our resident film critic Michael Snyder talks about what movies to see this week and which ones to avoid. Are movies that come to us from The People’s Republic Of China art? And is the NSA really listening in on Howie Klein’s phone?

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