Slavoj Žižek is a philosopher, author of more than fifty books, the most recent of which are Volumes 1 and 2 of Pandemic!–COVID-19 Shakes the World (volume 1) and Chronicles of a Time Lost (volume 2). Joined in conversation by Professors Russell Sbriglia, Adnan Husain, Ben Burgis and Ann Li.
Topics: Alex Jones pushes Ivermectin; Fox’s Bill Hemmer sees no link between the flooding and “Climate Change;” Chris Christie pushes the “Science” behind the new Texas abortion ban; Dallas has no ICUs for babies; Fans turn on each other at football games; Nazi Richard Spencer is divorced and broke; Don Junior loves animals
Somewhat surprised Judge Kavanaugh upheld the Texas abortion ban considering it allows for no exceptions in the case of rape. Topics: Ida; Afghanistan; Biden; Texas hates women; Texas? Y’all may secede now
Guests With Time Stamps
1:17 David does The News 1:32:00 Professor Ben Burgis whose new book is “Cancelling Comedians While The World Burns” 2:03:09 The Herschenfelds: Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, Freudian psychoanalyst, and Ethan Herschenfeld whose new comedy special “Thug, Thug Jew” is streaming on YouTube 2:35:23 Emil Guillermo, host of the PETA Podcast, and columnist for The Asian American Legal Defense And Education Fund 3:08:00 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State 6:39:00 The Professors And Mary Anne: Professor Jonathan Bick, Professor Ian Faloona, Professor Adnan Husain, and Professor Mary Anne Cummings 5:08:04 Professor Harvey J. Kaye, “FDR on Democracy” and Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America
Topics: Rudy caught shaving inside a restaurant; Marco Rubio talks tough; Eric Trump talks tough; Kevin McCarthy talks tough; Lindsey Graham already planning our next war; America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists except when it does
Guests With Time Stamps
03:14 Dan Frankenberger and David try to save the show from completely going off the rails 05:30 David does The News 1:30:21 Mike Rowe, Emmy award winning author of “It’s A Funny Thing” 1:56:00 The Herschenfelds: Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, Freudian psychoanalyst, and Ethan Herschenfeld whose new comedy special “Thug, Thug Jew” is streaming on YouTube 2:31:33 Emil Guillermo, host of the PETA Podcast, and columnist for The Asian American Legal Defense And Education Fund 3:01:18 “I’m Traveling Light” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel 3:05:36 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State 4:13:50 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 4:24:30 The Professors And Mary Anne: Professor Jonathan Bick and others PHDs TBD 5:02:14 Professor Harvey J. Kaye, “FDR on Democracy” and Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America
Topics: Bill Maher is an #Anti-vaxxer; Glenn Beck hates black people; Medical Genius/Talk Radio Host Phil Valentine succumbs to his own stupidity; Chuck Schumer dances up a storm; Andrew Cuomo’s last hurrah; Trump celebrates the defeat of American troops
Topics: General Milley; Ron DeSantis’s monoclonal antibody scam; Kenneth Copeland attacks a man in a wheelchair; Don Jr. actually sounded wise; Trump attacks Pfizer;
Guests With Time Stamps 00:00 Chapters 5:35 David does The News 1:35:13 PM Professor Ben Burgis whose new book is “Cancelling Comedians While The World Burns” 2:02:00 Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, Freudian psychoanalyst and Ethan, comedian whose special “Thug, Thug Jew” is now streaming on YouTube 2:34:06 Emil Guillermo, host of The PETA Podcast and columnist for the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund 3:06:39 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State 4:08:39 Marc Cevasco, chief of staff for Congressman Ted Lieu 4:45:28 The Professors and Mary Anne: Professor Jonathan Bick, Professor Adnan Husain and Professor Mary Anne Cummings 5:55:28 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 6:03:52 Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America
“What I love about ‘The David Feldman Show’ is I’m listening to a middle-aged guy getting radicalized, but he still can’t stop telling dick jokes with his comic friends from the ’80s.” – Michael Brooks, The Michael Brooks Show
“I love how David gives both sides of a story: profound and anti-found.” – Congressman Alan Grayson
“A podcast for folks who believe that strong political convictions and a sense of humor do not have to be mutually exclusive.” – Nathan Rabin, The AV Club
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