The Mop Up For March 29, 2021
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Topics: Derek Chauvin murder trial starts; Covid getting better and worse; Cuomo harder to get rid of than Covid
Guests with time stamps: 2:56 David does The News 29:05 Jackie “The Joke Man” Martling 1:02:42 AMAZON WATCH: Maximillian Alvarez, “Working People Podcast,” Jacob Morrison, “Valley Labor Report,” and Roriki Hutchinson, “Weekly Marx” 2:06:41 Grace Jackson, “Literary Hangover,” and Dr. Sam Wetherall, British historian, talk about whatever they want 2:37:04 Mark Breslin, founder and president of Yuk Yuk’s, largest comedy chain in North America 3:00:59 Howie Klein, founder and treasurer of Blue America PAC and author of “Down with Tyranny 3:41:03 POLICE WATCH: Shervin Aazami, candidate for California’s 30th congressional district, talks about Los Angeles Police Department’s cowardly crackdown on the homeless 4:06:16 Dr. Harriet Fraad, “Capitalism Hits Home” and “It’s Not Just in Your Head” 4:37:56 Professor Adnan Husain, “Guerrilla History” and “The Majlis Podcast,” talks about whatever he wants 5:01:14 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 5:14:47 Professor Mary Anne Cummings, parks commissioner, Aurora, Illinois 5:34:18 POLICE WATCH: Henry Hakamaki talks with Lillian House, lead organizer of the mass protest movement for justice for Elijah McClain, a 23-year-old black massage therapist from Aurora, Colorado, who died after getting placed in a chokehold by police and then being sedated by paramedics
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