George Zimmerman Tip Of The Iceberg

Please click on this picture to read Nicole Flatow’s blog…


Nicole Flatow covers justice for Think Progress and has a great piece today on the fallacy that guns keep you safe.

In the wake of the Newtown Shooting, the National Rifle Association perpetuated messages that more guns would have prevented shootings like Newtown, and has warned repeatedly that gun confiscation is imminent. But existing research shows that civilians with guns have been wholly ineffective at blocking mass shootings, and that more guns means more homicides. The bugaboo of widespread gun confiscation, meanwhile, has been flatly rejected by lawmakers and the U.S. Supreme Court. These fears have nonetheless prompted a wave of new lax gun laws, gun purchases, and gun permit applications, with many saying they feel safer carrying a gun.

via Concealed Carry Applications Approach Record Pace In Many States | ThinkProgress.

She’s a constitutional scholar who speaks clearly. My conversation with her below…