Topics: Matt Gaetz; Fox’s Pete Hegseth; Marjorie Taylor Greene; Paul Gosar; Steve Scalise; Kevin McCarthy; Tucker Carlson; Brit Hume; Tammy Bruce
Guests With Time Codes 4:00 “I’m Traveling Light” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel 8:54 Was The #Insurrection Just A Riot? Professor Ben Burgis, author of “Cancelling Comedians While The World Burns” 1:21:40 David does The News 2:02:08 Jon Ross, comedy writer and farmer, almost becomes enemies but thankfully Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, Freudian psychoanalyst and Comedian Ethan Herschenfeld whose new special “Thug, Thug, Jew” is streaming on YouTube save the day. 2:29:15 Dr. Herschenfeld leaves and then it’s Ethan and Jon Ross 2:58:28 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State 4:07:33 Marc Cevasco, chief of staff to Congressman Ted Lieu 4:47:22 The Professors and Mary Anne and Professor Jonathan Bick and Professor Ian Faloona 5:31:55 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 5:44:10 Emil Guillermo, host of the PETA Podcast and columnist for the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund 6:09:19 Professor Harvey J. Kaye, “FDR on Democracy” and Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America