Topics: Alex Jones pushes Ivermectin; Fox’s Bill Hemmer sees no link between the flooding and “Climate Change;” Chris Christie pushes the “Science” behind the new Texas abortion ban; Dallas has no ICUs for babies; Fans turn on each other at football games; Nazi Richard Spencer is divorced and broke; Don Junior loves animals
Guests With Time Stamps
8:06 David and Gentleman Farmer Jon Ross Do The News: 1:43:23 Dorothy Reik on abstinence as non-violent resistance to disgusting, regressive abortion laws. Dorothy is president of Progressive Democrats of Santa Monica Mountains 1:57:00 Howie Klein’s power is out so David has to kill 30 minutes 2:32:01 David Cobb, environmental activist and Green Party Presidential candidate 2:57:00 Dr. Harriet Fraad, host of “Capitalism Hits Home” 3:47:01 Professor Adnan Husain, “Guerrilla History” and “The Majlis” podcasts talks back to Lindsey Graham 4:37:18 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 4:44:00 Professor Mary Anne Cummings dealing with Anti-vaxers