KUTEREVO, Croatia- Scientists writing for Zoo Biology say they have uncovered evidence that male brown bears in captivity engage in oral sex, and that the oral sex is usually initiated by the bear who wants to give, not receive it.
Researchers from the Polish Academy of Sciences’ Department of Wildlife Conservation write that in only 166 hours of observing two male brown bears they witnessed 28 acts of fellatio. Researchers say the larger bear tended to be the one who received the fellatio and took only a few minutes to orgasm after which he kicked his partner away with his hind legs.
Authors of the study say they are puzzled as to the significance of the sex act, suggesting it might be related to life in captivity or being weaned too early from their mothers.
An article in Live Science on the subject says…
Female cheetahs and lions lick their partners’ genitals as a courtship ritual. Famously kinky bonobos do it to ease social tension. Female Chinese fruit bats perform oral sex, seemingly to get the males to prolong the deed.
While the study did provide exhaustive research it failed to offer up this gem from Bearforce One:
-Patty Cooper