Topics: Biden promises Climate Action in Glasgow while killing the New Green Deal in America; Huma Abedin sells her book; How Alec Baldwin and Jon Hamm are destroying SAG-AFTRA; Rudy got it right on Hunter Biden
Guests With Time Stamps:
3:00 David Does The News
1:29:59 Dan Frankenberger’s “Community Billboard”
1:37:00 Jon Ross (gentleman farmer, comedy writer) and Ethan Herschenfeld (his new comedy special “Thug, Thug Jew” is streaming on YouTube)
2:05:30 Dr. Carolyn Baker (author of “Confronting Christofascism: Healing the Evangelical Wound”) on her new book, a “practical guide to assessing the influence of religious trauma in our personal and public histories and committing to recover from it in order to become more whole individuals and pro-active citizens.”
2:32:15 Howie Klein (founder and treasurer of The Blue America PAC and author of Down With Tyranny)
3:05:30 “I’m Traveling Light” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel
3:13:00 David takes your calls on Huma Abedin
3:18:27 Dr. Harriet Fraad (host of “Capitalism Hits Home”)
4:02:30 Professor Adnan Husain (“Guerrilla History” and “The Majlis” podcasts) with Professor David Schmid (author of “Natural Born Celebrities: Serial Killers in American Culture”, co-editor of “Globalization and the State in Contemporary Crime Fiction”) on horror and anti-capitalism in popular culture and film
4:51:53 Professor Mary Anne Cummings (physicist and parks commissioner Aurora, Illinois)
5:25:54 Peter B. Collins (Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame) on Hunter Biden, and why Rudy got it right
6:01:18 Professor Mike Steinel (Jazz historian and Dylanologist) does not have shingles or a publicist
6:26:53 Henry Hakamäki’s Communist Power Hour with Joshua Cho (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)) on media portrayals of the pandemic and China these days [pre-tape]