Topics: Facebook tanks; CNN fires Zucker; ABC News suspends Whoopi and disbelief; Rudy sings, but not in front of a grand jury quite yet; Biden kills ISIS leader
Guests With Time Stamps:
3:53 David Does the News
Topics: Facebook tanks; CNN fires Zucker; ABC News suspends Whoopi and disbelief; Rudy sings, but not in front of a grand jury quite yet; Biden kills ISIS leader
Guests With Time Stamps:
3:53 David Does the News
David unveils The Moe Green New Deal where corporations don’t buy America out—we buy you out. Topics: Rogan apologizes; Whoopi apologizes; Robert F. Kennedy Jr. apologizes; Rachel Maddow should apologize; Another Arctic Blast
Guests With Time Stamps:
2:28 David Does the News
Mitch McConnell calls it inappropriate to vote on a replacement for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer while we’re in the middle of a Democracy year… Before announcing she was running for reelection Nancy Pelosi first ran it by her husband Paul so he could trade on the inside information…McDonald’s offering Land, Air & Sea– one giant sandwich which combines a Big Mac, a McChicken, and a Filet-O-Fish, as well as Heart Disease, Diabetes and Cancer… How about instead of a sandwich they offer a job that combines healthcare, dental and eye… Spotify refused to be intimidated by Neil Young and sides with good and decent loyal Americans who believe in doubling the number of people killed by Covid…Like Harvest Moon could ever sound as sweet as Joe Rogan discussing Gender with Ben Shapiro…
Topics: Bill Maher; Eric Clapton; Meat Loaf; Tesla Stock’s wild ride; Ukraine; Sarah Palin, unvaccinated, tests positive for Covid again for the third time; Arizona Democratic Party censures Sinema for voting rights position.
Guests With Time Stamps:
2:50 David Does the News
Topics: Voting rights, filibuster and Biden’s presidency dead; Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell compares African Americans to Americans; FBI raids Congressman Henry Cuellar’s home; Teddy Roosevelt cancelled; Peloton, Netflix and Adele disappoint the world;
Guests With Time Codes:
Topics: Dr. Martin Luther King; J. Edgar Hoover’s name should be taken off the FBI building; The Poor People’s Campaign; Evictions; Homeless
Guests With Time Codes:
3:00 David Does the News