The Mop Up For May 24, 2021
Topics: Republicans insist January 6 doesn’t exist; Bob Dylan turns 80; How the murder of George Floyd changed everything; 130 million Americans have been vaccinated
Guests With Time Stamps: 3:30 Dave Sirus, “SNL,” Fox’s “Let’s Be Real” and countless movies including “King of Staten Island” 32:30 Pete Dominick, host of “StandUP! With Pete Dominick” 1:06:05 Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, AKA Martha Previte 1:17:01 David does The News 1:28:03 Grace Jackson, “Literary Hangover,” talks with Dr. David Brophy, senior lecturer in Modern Chinese History at the University of Sydney whose new book, “China Panic: Australia’s Alternative to Paranoia and Pandering” is out in June 2021 2:04:30 Howie Klein, founder and treasurer of the Blue America PAC, author of “Down With Tyranny” 2:33:04 Mark Breslin, founder and president of Yuk Yuk’s, largest comedy chain in North America 3:03:02 Dr. Harriet Fraad, host of “Capitalism Hits Home” and “It’s Not Just In Your Head” 3:38:12 Professor Adnan Husain and Dr. Liam O’Mara continue their conversation about Fascism, Gramsci and whatever else they want 4:40:01 Henry Hakamaki, “Guerrilla History,” talks with Professor Stuart Gilmour, professor of Biostatistics at St Luke’s International University, Japan about Demographic data in Xinjiang 5:05:00 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 5:21:54 Professor Mary Anne Cummings, physicist and parks commissioner, Aurora, Illinois 5:57:00 Professor Mike Steinel talks about Bob Dylan who turned 80 this week