Snowden Thanks ACLU

Edward Snowden thanks the ACLU, and so should you by making a donation.

Edward Snowden thanks the ACLU, and so should you by making a donation.

To commemorate the one year anniversary of The Guardian’s explosive revelations about NSA surveillance, Edward Snowden, who handed over that evidence, penned a letter to the ACLU thanking them for their support. In his letter Snowden cautions that new technology and America’s Bill of Rights must coexist for they both serve as forces of liberation. He warns that the government right now can still…

easily monitor whom you call, whom you associate with, what you read, what you buy, and where you go online and offline, and they do it to all of us, all the time.

Snowden says the “most intimate” information of innocent Americans suspected of absolutely nothing is still being grabbed by the NSA. What is the end result of such a power grab? A society he says,

that fears free expression and dissent, the very values that make America strong.

Snowden, who was working for the private security firm of Booz-Allen when he decided to release the files, also takes claim for both Congress and President Obama pushing for an end to the indisriminate “dragnet collection” of our e-mails and phone conversation. Progress has been made in the past year but Snowden says more must be done.

Read the rest of the letter here…