Tag: Think Progress

Alan Pyke


Just when you thought it was impossible to hate Big Banks any more than you could, now we can blame the rising cost of beer on Goldman Sachs. Since the beginning of the Great Recession, the Federal Reserve has lent money to banks at about near zero interest rates hoping these banks would stimulate the economy by lending that money to small businesses or Americans trying to buy a home. But this week we learn the banks are using this cheap money to buy up commodities like aluminum and energy driving up prices, making a fortune while making it harder for the rest of the world to do business. For more on this Deputy Economic Policy Editor for Think Progress Alan Pyke joins us.

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Aviva Shen


walmart wages

Washington DC’s city council passes the Large Retailer Accountability Act of 2013 forcing big box stores like Wal-Mart and Target, with annual sales exceeding one billion a year, to pay workers a livable wage. Wal-Mart lobbyists are now urging the mayor of Washington DC to veto the bill. What does that means for retail employees across the nation?  Plus June’s Jobs numbers are up. The numbers are good, but the jobs aren’t. America’s working poor seems to be growing at the same rate as jobs are. We’ll look at these new job numbers, and Wal-Mart’s troubles in Washington DC with Aviva Shen who writes for Think Progress.  Aviva’s writings have also appeared in Salon, New York Magazine, and Smithsonian Magazine. In the 2008 Obama campaign she served as a social media consultant.

Also David weighs in on the George Zimmerman verdict.

And so do Will Ryan and the Cactus County Cowboys.

Portions of today’s program feature Kevin Rooney, Mark Thompson, Chris Pina, Eddie Pepitone and Eddie Crasnick, and were written by Ben Zelevasnky, Karen Simmons, Eddie Crasnick, Eddie Pepitone and David Feldman.

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All You Need To Know About The LGBT Struggle

Click on the rainbow cookies to read the latest from Zack Ford…

Life is short, time is precious, that’s why you need to check in with Zack Ford for the latest in LGBT news. His daily roundup of LGBT issues scours all the news sources to find the big stories people who care about the LGBT community should care about. We had him on our show this week, and he was fascinating. I strongly urge you read him over at Think Progress.

The Morning Pride: July 11, 2013 | ThinkProgress.

My show with him down below…

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Jesus Supports Immigration Bill

Our talk with Esther is one of our favorites of the year.

Our talk with Esther is one of our favorites of the year.

Esther Yu-Hsi Lee is a brilliant journalist who writes eloquently on immigration. Here’s her latest from Think Progress…

For the past two months, religious leaders, immigration advocates, and day laborers across the nation have been participating in a days-long fast to encourage Congress to pass immigration reform and to stop mass deportations. Participants in Mountain View, CA, kicked off the movement with a week-long fast before passing the baton to other states, including Florida, New Jersey, Oregon, and Massachusetts.

In 17 Cities, Faith Leaders And Immigrants Are Fasting To Stop Deportations | ThinkProgress.

Listen to my terrific interview with this terrific journalist:


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George Zimmerman Tip Of The Iceberg

Please click on this picture to read Nicole Flatow’s blog…


Nicole Flatow covers justice for Think Progress and has a great piece today on the fallacy that guns keep you safe.

In the wake of the Newtown Shooting, the National Rifle Association perpetuated messages that more guns would have prevented shootings like Newtown, and has warned repeatedly that gun confiscation is imminent. But existing research shows that civilians with guns have been wholly ineffective at blocking mass shootings, and that more guns means more homicides. The bugaboo of widespread gun confiscation, meanwhile, has been flatly rejected by lawmakers and the U.S. Supreme Court. These fears have nonetheless prompted a wave of new lax gun laws, gun purchases, and gun permit applications, with many saying they feel safer carrying a gun.

via Concealed Carry Applications Approach Record Pace In Many States | ThinkProgress.

She’s a constitutional scholar who speaks clearly. My conversation with her below…

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