What Sarah Palin Doesn’t Get About Free Speech

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin talks during a rally supporting Steve Lonegan, left, who is running for the vacant New Jersey seat in the U.S. Senate, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2013, in New Egypt, N.J. Palin has said Lonegan

Great article about the idiot from Politico:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin talks during a rally supporting Steve Lonegan, left, who is running for the vacant New Jersey seat in the U.S. Senate, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2013, in New Egypt, N.J. Palin has said Lonegan’s Democratic opponent, Newark Mayor Cory Booker, is out of touch because of his A&E’s suspension of its Duck Dynasty star, Phil Robertson, is now dominating the holiday-season headlines and prompting much political commentary—perhaps most notably from […]