Topics: Rudy stops by; Melania stops by; Ellen tests positive; FDA finally approves Pfizer vaccine; Biden turns back on Progressives; Burl Ives named names; The Queen, William and Kate don’t wear masks
Guests and Time Stamps: 2:25 Melania Trump, AKA Martha Previte 19:42 America’s Mayor, Rudy Giuliani AKA Robert Smigel 33:35 PM Jim Earl, Emmy and Peabody Award Winning Comedy Writer and Traitor 1:05:11 Henry Asks Professor Alex Aviña, author of “Specters of Revolution: Peasant Guerrillas in the Cold War Mexican Countryside” 1:38:00 Dr. Jennifer Verdolin, animal behaviorist and author of “Raised by Animals” 2:04:45 Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, Freudian psychiatrist, and his son, Actor/Comedian/Harvard Apologist Ethan 2:35:13 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State 3:09:30 Dave Sirus, SNL and “The King Of Staten Island” 3:33:27 Professor Ben Burgis, host of “Give Them An Argument” 4:03:27 Burt Ross, American Hero, former Mayor of Fort Lee, New Jersey’s Energy Czar, who took on the Gambino Family and invented New Jersey’s right turn on red 4:33:45 Emil Guillermo, host of the PETA Podcast and columnist for ALDEF 4:56:02 Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America 5:33:28 Henry Hakamaki gives us the latest on Covid-19