Are some Republicans the victims of poor toilet training? We ask a real honest to goodness Freudian psychoanalyst.
Guests: Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, Ethan Herschenfeld, Professor Jonathan Bick, Professor Mary Anne Cummings, Professor Ann Li and music from Professor Mike Steinel.
Topics: Toilet training, is it overrated; Ukraine; Woke Banks; France raises the retirement age; Governors Mike and Sarah Huckabee
00:00 Dr. Philip Herschenfeld and Ethan Herschenfeld
01:35 Confidence games
08:40 Toilet training, good or bad?
30:48 “Age of Distraction” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel
36:41 The Professors and Mary Anne: Professor Mary Anne Cummings, Professor Ann Li and Professor Jonathan Bick. Plus Joe In Norway cooks with flour and water.
1:38:41 David does The News, and explains why Arkansas Governors Mike and Sarah Huckabee are horrible.