David Rubenstein, founder of The Carlyle Group, is said to be the single largest war profiteer in the world. Why is President Biden and his family of grifters spending Thanksgiving weekend staying inside Rubenstein’s $30 million dollar Nantucket estate? What exactly is The Carlyle Group? Does Biden even know that the Bin Laden family was one of the The Carlyle Group’s earliest investors?Along with the Bush family? Why does a war profiteer like David Rubenstein chair the Council on Foreign Relations, or The Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts? David Rubenstein donates fifteen million dollars to Ken Burns and millions more to the PBS and then mysteriously ends up with his own television show on the PBS. How is that ethical? Why do so few people know where Rubenstein’s blood money comes from? Why is the The Carlyle Group allowed to play the stock market while at the same time own NSA and CIA contractor Booz Allen? Why does a private investor like David Rubenstein have access to our government’s intelligence agencies? It’s a Feldsgiving celebration! Turkey-optional. Genocidal colonial history- acknowledged. Tonight we give thanks for our guests’ intellectual bounty. Like the early Euro-American colonists, David arrives on the shores of tonight’s taping without any resources. Will he find people naïve and generous enough to offer their talents, not realizing he’ll suck them dry and leave them with nothing? Audience questions, our friendly neighborhood Canadians, and any Americans who don’t have something better to do round out tonight’s Feldsgiving lineup.
Guests With Time Codes:
3:20 David Does the News
1:54:27 The Herschenfelds: Dr. Philip Herschenfeld (Freudian psychoanalyst), and Ethan Herschenfeld (his new comedy special “Thug, Thug Jew” is streaming on YouTube)
2:29:52 Emil Guillermo (host of the PETA Podcast, and columnist for The Asian American Legal Defense And Education Fund)
3:05:18 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn (Americans United for Separation of Church and State)
4:10:11 The Professors And Mary Anne: Professors Adnan Husain, Ann Li, and Jonathan Bick
5:09:17 Professor Harvey J. Kaye (“FDR on Democracy”) and Alan Minsky (executive director of Progressive Democrats of America)
6:13:00 Henry Hakamaki returns! From Russia!!!