The Mop Up For May 3, 2021
Topics: Bill and Melinda Gates call it quits; Facebook might let Trump back; Herd immunity unheard of
Guests With Time Stamps: 00:00 2:45 The News 20:30 Marc Cevasco, chief of staff to Congressman Ted Lieu 1:00:36 AMAZON WATCH: Christian Smalls, “Stop Amazon Now,” Maximillian Alvarez, editor in chief at “The Real News,” Roriki Hutchinson, “Weekly Marx” 1:37:16 Marc Breslin, founder and president of Yuk Yuk’s, the largest comedy chain in North America 2:00:33 Laura House, show runner for the BBC’s “Secret Life of Boys” 2:35:48 Pete Dominick, host of StandUP! With Pete Dominick 2:56:10 Dr. Harriet Fraad, host of “Capitalism Hits Home” and “It’s Not Just In Your Head” 3:38:10 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 3:49:00 “I’m In Amazon Hell” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel 3:53:00 “Which Side Are You On” Guitars: Tom Webber & John Hays Acoustic Bass: Kathleen Ashe Solo Recorder: Jill of Canada Lead Vocals: Verse 1: Texas Tom Webber Verse 2: Jill of Canada Verse 3: Kathleen Ashe Verse 4: Lane Hewitt Verse 5: Kenn Mann Verse 6: Karen Emerson 3:57:00 Henry Hakamaki 4:06:05 Professor Adnan Husain and Dr. Liam O’Mara continue their conversation about Fascism 5:17:05 Professor Mary Anne Cummings, physicist and parks commissioner Aurora, Illinois 5:45:45 Professor Mike Steinel and Rosana Eckert perform “I’m In Amazon Hell Part 2” 6:01:27 Comedian Aaron Berg 6:21:55 Comic Ed Larson whose new movie is “How American Killed My Mother 6:53:00 Jackie “The Joke Man” Martling