The Mop Up For October 13, 2020 of The David Feldman Show
The Mop Up For October 13, 2020 of The David Feldman Show
Topics: Trump’s doctor says he’s healthy enough to hit the campaign trail (Seriously); Trump blames his Covid on Gold Star families (Seriously); Trump mocks governor of Michigan after FBI uncovers plot to kidnap her (Seriously); Trump insists he’s healthy enough to debate Biden in person (Seriously) ; Trump orders Bill Barr to arrest President Obama (Seriously)
Topics: Stephen Miller’s happy because Covid means more white blood cells; Mike Pence only distracted by flies that are unzipped; Pence testing negative despite Trump’s testing positive speaks volumes as to the efficacy of wearing dental dams while performing mouth to ass; Trump’s new Secret Service Code Name is “Patient Zero Concern For Others”
Topics: Trump’s poll numbers dropping lower than his blood oxygen levels; Donald Trump’s breath truly is lethal; Time to call in the exterminator and tent the White House; Chris Christie is a super spreader, but only when it comes to cream cheese; Harvey Weinstein charged with six more counts of forcible sexual assault. Donald Trump tests positive for Covid. Tough week for rapists.
The Mop Up For October 2, 2020
Topics: Trump tests positive for COVID-19; Dr. Verdolin teaches us about Kleptoparasites, and why our country is run by them; How to debate an alpha dog
Guests And Time Codes: (:31) David and Dan Frankenberger kill time waiting for our guest to show up (27:00) Pete Dominick, host of “StandUP! With Pete Dominick” (35:03) Professor Ben Burgis, columnist for Jacobin and host of “Give Them An Argument” (1:02:35) Psychiatrist Dr. Philip Herschenfeld and his son Ethan, comic, actor and writer (2:05:00)The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, from Americans United for Separation of Church and State (2:31:48) “I’m On My Way” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel (2:33:00) Henry Hakamaki interviews Professor Megan Moore, anthropologist at Eastern Michigan University, co-author of “Research Methods in Human Skeletal Biology.” Her expertise is in paleopathology, forensic anthropology, and the interface of anthropology with human rights. ” (3:09:00) Dr. Jennifer Verdolin, animal behaviorist and author of “Raised by Animals” along with Emil Guillermo, host of “The PETA Podcast “(3:36:00) Jeff Blackwood, Democratic strategist from the dark recesses of the Far Left (4:02:00) Alan Minsky,executive director of Progressive Democrats of America (4:15:00) Diabetic Fury With Martha Previte and Emmy/Peabody Award Winning Jim Earl (5:12:00) The Irritable Immunologist
(5:39:30)Screenwriter Dave Sirus, whose latest movie is “The King of Staten Island” (6:17:22) Professor Mary Anne Cummings and Dan Frankenberger in the newsroom(7:07:50) As David wraps up the show news breaks that Donald Trump and his wife tested positive for COVID-19
Complete coverage of the Biden/Trump debate starring our spirited roundtable of highbrow lowlifes:
Melania Trump (Martha Previte); Citizen Bacon reports from Cleveland outside the debate; Zack Ford, press secretary Alliance For Justice; The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State; Jim Earl, Emmy and Peabody Award winning comedy writer; Jon Ross, comedy writer and gentleman farmer; Professor Harvey J. Kaye, author of “FDR on Democracy“; Professor Adnan Husain, chair of the religion department at Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada; Mark Breslin, founder and president of Yuk Yuk’s; Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America; Kelly Stone, sex educator, comic and Texas politician; Burt Ross, American hero; Professor Mary Anne Cummings, parks commissioner Aurora, Illinois