David Klion writes for The Nation Magazine, his latest piece is “Russiagate Is Far Wider Than Trump and His Inner Circle.” Comics Kevin Bartini, Dave Sirus, Jon Ross and Dr. Jay Sutay. Plus the LGBTQ editor for Think Progress Zack Ford.
David Klion writes for The Nation Magazine, his latest piece is “Russiagate Is Far Wider Than Trump and His Inner Circle.” Comics Kevin Bartini, Dave Sirus, Jon Ross and Dr. Jay Sutay. Plus the LGBTQ editor for Think Progress Zack Ford.
Comics JOE DEVITO and AARON BERG. Down With Tyranny’s HOWIE KLEIN. Majority Report’s MICHAEL BROOKS from The Michael Brooks Show. Live Nation’s MOLLY SCHMINKE. And The PETA Podcast’s EMIL GUILLERMO.
Dave Sirus on the GOP’s crackup. Kevin Bartini on Papa John taking a knee. Emery Emery on atheism. Zack Ford from Think Progress on substance abuse in the LGBTQ community. Professor Andrew L. Russell on Silicon Valley’s toxic conservative wasteland. Professor Corey Brettschneider on what the Senate Judiciary Committee needs to ask Kavanaugh.
He pranked Trump, and the Secret Service came knocking. Michael Avenatti says it’s OK for Stuttering John to talk with us, so we learn just how low this president’s IQ truly is.
Down With Tyranny’s HOWIE KLEIN tells us something about Mitch McConnell that Mitch would like to keep secret.
EMIL GUILLERMO hosts “The PETA Podcast” and talks about the unethical treatment of migrants at the border.
LGBTQ Editor for Think Progress ZACK FORD on Scarlett Johansson taking work away from transgender actors. Plus Comics DAVE SIRUS and KEVIN BARTINI on EPA Chief Scott Pruitt, Congressman Jim Jordan wrestling with his past, and white people calling the police on black people for being black.
New York Times culture reporter Dave Itzkoff on his new best selling biography of Robin Williams entitled, “Robin.” Comedians Aaron Berg, Joe DeVito, Jackie “The Joke Man” Martling, and Dr. Jay Sutay, the hardest working pediatrician in comedy. Also Howie Klein from Down With Tyranny. Professor Corey Brettschneider is the author of “The Oath And The Office: A Guide To The Constitution For Future Presidents.” Emil Guillermo is an awarding winning journalist who hosts “The PETA Podcast.”